Hegemonic Stability
Sunday, April 03, 2005
Pope John Paul;
I never really thought much about him one way or the other. Since 9/11 I have come to admire the Catholic Church for sticking to their traditions and their belief in the sactity of life. I am not sure The Federal government should criminalize abortion, but I have no problem with a religion making it a sin. The Old line Protestant Churches have surrendered to moral relativism. Situational ethics, I think they called it when I was in an Episcopalian school. The result is there are more people going to Mosques than to Protestant Churches in Europe. Nietzsche overstated things only somewhat when he said that the Catholic Church went into decline when it lost the self confidence to burn heretics.
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From the Dictionary of Theories: "Nations achieve dominance in international systems, which they then must maintain by "rewards" to less powerful nations. Such a system is paradoxically unstable."


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