Hegemonic Stability
Sunday, April 03, 2005
The Trouble with CSPAN

Charles V. Pena of the CATO Institute was on CSPAN this morning discussing his critical commentary of the Defense Budget. His position sounded similar to what I believe was Rumsfeld's. Pull out of Europe, down size , modernize, skip a generation on new weapon systems like fighters , ships etc. Go fast and light etc. I love CSPAN because of the speakers and events they present. When the presentation is a speaker before a live audience the Q&A period brings out new facts and ideas. However, the shows with just the host and the guest and callers are agonizing. I cannot stand the callers. By and large they are partisan hacks . CSPAN puts on an interesting person and instead of probing to find out more the callers use the guest as a springboard to present their own frequently paranoid delusions. It is a clear instance of the "Tragedy of the Commons". People who believe the Neocons planned 9/11 so they could invade Iraq, for example, are entitled to that opinion and are free to speak it, but it only a question the way the answers in Jeopardy are questions. The CSPAN hosts would serve the people better if they cut off callers more aggressively and not allow them to waste everybody's time. The callers have an audience, not because their opinions are interesting, but because the guests are interesting. Partisan Hack Venters belong on talk radio shows like Limbaugh and Air America where point of the show is the interaction of host and caller or on blogs where they only waste their own time and that of those who enjoy that sort of thing.
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From the Dictionary of Theories: "Nations achieve dominance in international systems, which they then must maintain by "rewards" to less powerful nations. Such a system is paradoxically unstable."


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