Hegemonic Stability
Saturday, April 01, 2006
A common fallacy is the extrapolation of a current trend beyond reason ignoring the self regulating dynamics of nature, for example: the population bomb, global cooling, global warming. If current demographic trends continue, Judaeo Christian Europeans will be overwhelmed by immigrant Muslims and their descendants. Europeans will become Dhimmis, slaves of their fundamentalist Muslim masters who will destroy all their cultural artifacts, paintings, churches, monuments as the Taliban destroyed the statutes in Afghanistan.

Recently, I picked up a novel in LA "Atomik Aztek" by Sesshu Foster which fantasizes a world run by Aztecs and threatened by a consumerist takeover. Perhaps a good occupation what the Europeans need to shake themselves out of their atavistic worldweary socialist nightmare. Change is inevitable, but I find it hard to imagine a new Dark Age of any significant duration.
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From the Dictionary of Theories: "Nations achieve dominance in international systems, which they then must maintain by "rewards" to less powerful nations. Such a system is paradoxically unstable."


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