Hegemonic Stability
Sunday, June 19, 2011
The Economy and "Global Warming"

The Global warming movement, whether or not it is a cover for a power grab by the carbon trading elite, is blocking any chance of an economic recovery. Just putting money in the hands of consumers has been tried in the USA and QE 1 & 2 have failed to restart consumption and production.

Clearly a recovery has to be associated with production. Cheap money brought us the dot com and housing bubble recoveries but neither recovery lasted. Unlike houses and dot coms there is considerably less danger in producing too much energy. An energy production boom in the USA will take pressure off food prices inflated by the ethanol lobby around the world, reverse the US balance of payments crisis, create jobs, save the auto industry, bail out the banks, reverse the growing income inequality, save the middle class, generate the government revenues to save social security and Medicare and pay off the debt: in short it is a panacea.

We don't even need cheap money, just a policy change. Drill baby drill, in the Gulf, Anwar, off the Florida coast, everywhere. Corporations have the money to invest, the workers are there. All we need to do is to remove the roadblocks stopping the recovery.

FDR got out of the last depression with WWII. An energy boom will have a significantly lower environmental impact and loss of life. All that is missing is the Pearl Harbor Event that will turn public opinion.

Pollution of the environment is a legitimate concern. Global Warming is a giant lie that left unchallenged is spreading a tide of human misery, starvation, and civil unrest. Europe and the Middle East today, America next year.

Peak oil may well be a legitimate concern, but we need prosperity, time and a free market to sort out the alternative sources, not a government mandated imposition of winners and losers.

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From the Dictionary of Theories: "Nations achieve dominance in international systems, which they then must maintain by "rewards" to less powerful nations. Such a system is paradoxically unstable."


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