Hegemonic Stability
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
In Being and Time Martin Heidegger maintains that in trying to understand what we see we have to realize we are not some static neutral observer watching but are in the Einstein sense  in motion and all we see is   relative motion. Ron Paul can accurately complain that it is all blowback for our interference in Iranian politics to impose the Shah back in the 1950s,, but at this point it may be too late for isolationism. Not today or tomorrow or 5 years from now but ultimately somebody may have to crush the Sunni  Islamist extremists. If they take the Saudi oil fields they might take Iran as well and turn into serious threats even to the USA. Not much a war weary US can do right now other than drop a few bombs. Others can do more if we get out of the way. Following up on their joint efforts in Libya, the Egyptian Army, financed by the Saudis with covert strategic advice from the Israelis could clean up our mess in Iraq and Syria. The Germans are trying to make up their minds whether to let the Saudis buy Leopard tanks built in Spain. The tanks will go to the Egyptian Army. They should let it happen. The economies of Spain and Egypt badly need the work. Military dictatorships are not optimal, but the current Egyptian leaders are the best hope for the Middle East. Egyptian hegemonic stability over the whole Middle East replacing Hamas, Hezbollah, PLO, ISIS is the best we can hope for. Hey, I like the Kurds too, but I think the task is beyond them.
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From the Dictionary of Theories: "Nations achieve dominance in international systems, which they then must maintain by "rewards" to less powerful nations. Such a system is paradoxically unstable."


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